Orphanet booklet “Living with a rare disease in France”. https://www.orpha.net/orphacom/cahiers/docs/FR/Vivre_avec_une_maladie_rare_en_France.pdf
Right to borrow Santé Info Droits (Health Info Rights): Access to loans and loan insurance for people in situations of aggravated risk (AERAS…
Departmental House for the Disabled (MDPH) How do I apply for the MDPH? New MDPH Cerfa form (N°15692*01) MDPH – Video how to fulfil one’s life…
Departmental Education Services Directorate At the departmental level, National Education services are grouped together in the Directorate of Departmental Services of National Education, whose…
Health Info Rights Santé Info Droits (Health Info Rights) is a line created and implemented by the Interassociative Collective on Health (CISS). The…
Vocational Integration – Keeping People with Disabilities in Employment RECRUITMENT AND DISABILITY Cap emploi advises and accompanies you to facilitate your access to employment and your professional integration. Cap…