Gouvernance COMITE DE PILOTAGE Le comité de pilotage se réunit une fois par mois et comprend au moins un représentant de…
Others French Healthcare Networks for Rare diseases Find the booklet “French Healthcare Networks for Rare diseases”! AnDDI-Rares Developmental abnormalities intellectual disability of rare causes : www.anddi-rares.org BRAIN…
Partners Institutional Partners Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Women’s Rights www.sante.gouv.fr Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr…
Scientific societies National Alliance for Life and Health Sciences http://www.aviesan.fr/ French Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy www.sfgm-tc.com French Society…
Patient associations Anémie de Blackfan-Diamond The AFMBD was set up in 1996. It brings together French, Swiss and Belgian patients and their…
Missions Improvind care Thanks to its visibility (events, leaflets, website), MaRIH should help first-line doctors therapy to quickly diagnose and therefore…