Orphanet Emergency / Disability files Orphanet Emergency Files Kinin angioedema Orphanet Handicap filesOrphanet Emergency Files Kinin angioedema Orphanet Handicap files
Audio Podcasts The MaRIH Immuno-haematological Rare Disease Health Channel is available on the digital distribution platforms Spotify, Breaker, Google Podcast, Overcast, Pocket…
Post-ASH magazines Young hematologists and internists look at rare immunohematological diseases at ASH Each year, the program selects two interns (one a…
Booklet “Rare Diseases healthcare networks” Find the booklet “Rare Disease Healthcare networks” ! Find the July 2019 update of the booklet “Rare Disease Healthcare networks”.
Transition from Pediatric to Adult Service A large proportion of rare immuno-hematological diseases diagnosed during childhood justify a transfer of care from the paediatric sector to…
MaRIH magazines Horizon Hémato magazine December 2016 – Focus on the MaRIH network, its members and immuno-hematological rare diseases Horizon Hémato magazine…