DIU “Pediatric Immunohematology
Objectives :
– Train practitioners capable of diagnosing and managing the specific problems of children and adolescents suffering from non-malignant hematological pathologies and immune deficiencies, whether in pediatric hematology departments or general pediatrics. – To provide essential physiopathological, clinical and therapeutic knowledge in all areas of pediatric hematology and immunology. – Learn practical attitudes, the contribution of biology, the diagnostic approach including differential diagnoses and therapeutic protocols. – Develop students’ ability to synthesize information through the presentation of files and the writing of dissertations on a theme of their choice.
Curriculum :
Compulsory theoretical training: 6 x 2-day modules, with 2 modules at UPEC, 1 in Paris, 2 in Marseille and 1 in Lyon (90 hours of face-to-face training).
– Session 1: Red blood cells: hemoglobinopathies (sickle cell anemias, thalassemias and other rare hemoglobin variants); red cell enzyme deficiencies; red cell membrane abnormalities; sideroblastic anemias; congenital dyserythropoiesis – Paris, Créteil – Session 2: Autoimmunity and autoimmune cytopenias (joint module with the DIU de Rhumatologie pédiatrique) – Lyon – Session 3: Cytopenias and constitutional bone marrow failure in children – Paris, Créteil – Session 4: Hematopoietic stem cell allografts in children – Marseille – Session 5: Immune deficiencies – Paris, Necker – Session 6: Hemostasis – Marseille TEACHING AND TECHNICAL Aids: Teaching aids are available to trainees on the website of the Société Française d’hématologie et d’Immunologie pédiatriques (SHIP).